Sunday, October 27, 2013

My new daily regime


Nasib baik mmng jenis yg suka minum susu, so rasanya tak ada bnyk masalah sngt kot kalo kena minum susu during pregnant ni

Before balik gemas last 2 weeks pegi cari susu utk mengandung kat aeon big wangsa maju. Cari punya cari, pilih punya pilih last last amik susu ni 

Huhu perisa vanilla

Just try and error kalo rasa xsesuai next time nak try susu lain plak

Tp bila try...gulp awat rasa dia peliksss sngt huhu
Xpenah ada masalah minum susu before this but this one the taste really weird

Apepun kena abiskan before bleh try other brand
Tp susu ni ok sbb kandungan dia mmng complete utk keperluan ibu mengandung seperti DHA, folic acid, calcium and iron :)

So buat masa ni eventhough xde morning sickness langsung ( alhamdulillah ) just amik one glass perday. Tak lalu nak amik 2 glassess hohoho...

Our Little Tiny

Did a TAS on 5 th week but nothing can seen so repeat the other scan at 6 weeks 4days

And tadaaaaaaa.....

This is our lovely little tiny
Even though is much smaller compared to the exact date but its ok, at least i can confirmed that it is intaruterine and singletone hehehe

Will repeat the scan later at 7-8 weeks to look for the fetal echo and fetal heart rate

Stay safe and healthy sayang, mama and daddy love you <3 <3

Sunday, October 20, 2013

New family member, insyaAllah

Alhamdulillah, syukran Ya Allah atas anugerah yg Kau kurniakan pada kami Ya Allah..

Setelah berusaha selama 4 bulan hehe alhamdulillah UPT POSITIVE  :):):)

Found out it on 10/10/13 at concorde in hotel after training session for motoGP.

Walaupun hujan lebat,sanggup redah ke farmasi utk cari UPT kit hehe...after missed period dah masuk hari ke 5.

And alhamdulillah it turn out positive

Alhamdulillah syukran Ya Allah

Kebetulan Mr husband dtng utk stay malam tu kat concorde, so apalagi buat suprise kat dia tunjuk UPT yg positive kat dia... Senyum memanjang dia hehehe...

Tak dpt gambar perassaan bila upt turn out postive. Gembira,yerharu,bersyukur,relief dan jugk takut. Nape takut?? Ye lah nak berta,bah tanggungjawab lepas ni,nak jd ibu bukan senang.

Harap zuriat yg dikandung ni akan selamat sehingga cukup masa utk dilahirkan. ya Allah bantulah hambamu ini dan permudahkanlah segalanya.

Mr husband terlebih excited,terus call my MIL utk bg tau berita gembira ni. My MIL siap pesan " jgn manjakan diri " hehehe...

Aku pun call mama utk bg tau pasal berita gembira ni. Mama kata alhamdulillah...

Mmng happy tp cover moto GP harus diteruskan uhuhuhhkkk

Terima kasih Ya Allah
Kurniakan zuriat yg soleh/ solehah, berilmu,beiman,sihat tubuh badan dan cerdik akal fikiran :$

And my pregnancy journey beginn.........

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hygiene Inspection

What is hygiene inspection??
It is an inspection that we hv to do monthly to every camp. Basically we will check the cleanliness of the camp, the cook house, how they prepare the food, how they store the food as well as inspect all the rooms, bathrooms, toilets and even the office :)
As the medical officer i must make sure that the hygiene level is satisfactory so that all people will stay healthy and no one will get sick hehe...

So as for yersterday i went to the Barashit Camp to do the hygiene inspection.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Finally....ARAB LAND


Alhamdulillah syukur padaMu YaAllah kerana dengan limpah rahmat,kasih sayang dan perkenanMu dapat aku menjejakkan kaki di tanah arab ni 

I was safely landed to Rafiq Hariri International Beirut, Lebanon at 2000B on 22nd oct 2012 after being in ghe flight for about +/- 10 hours. Phewww what a long journey..

Lenguh kaki pinggang semua ok duduk 10 hours dlm flight. That was the longest fliy hours i had been thru huhuhu...

Sampai2 je kat airport semua kena baris cam anak ayam ikut index number then naik van kecik before transit at the nearby UN log office for some briefinf before headed to our new home TIBNINE :)

After briefing we hv to take our flight jacket as well as the helmet then straight away naik balik van kecik tadi utk ke Tibnine. Dah lah mengantuk gile plus penat, van pulak sempit giler huhu..

It took about one and half hour to reach tibnine. Sngt tak selesa dlm van tu coz sesak then kena pakai the heavy jacket + helmet besi along the way. Headache!!!!

We safely arrived at Tibnine Camp araoun 0030B. All the first flight officers were there waiting for us. We hv some briefing at the Rubhall before had some supper and lastly divided us to our respectives room.

Not picture that i can share on the day i arrived Tibnine since we are very kelam kabut that time huhu...

Till then, my journey at Lebanin begin.....

Alhamdulillah syukur padaMu YaAllah kerana dengan limpah rahmat,kasih sayang dan perkenanMu dapat aku menjejakkan kaki di tanah arab ni 

I was safely landed to Rafiq Hariri International Beirut, Lebanon at 2000B on 22nd oct 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012


4/12 left, bnyk lagi tak buat lorrr...

main goal: TURUNKAN 9 KG hohoho..sempat ke??